New York Week

January 31st, 2009


It’s Cold!

January 17th, 2009


(degrees Celsius)

Skype-ing with Alan from Tokyo

December 30th, 2008

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Talking with Alan this morning, he’s on vacation in Tokyo, showing me his new camera lens.

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Christmas In New York City

December 19th, 2008


Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree and Ice Skating Rink – a ‘must-see’ at this time of year


Times Square

Alan, leaves Oz for Seoul Korea

November 22nd, 2008

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First Snow

November 21st, 2008


StaggerWing – Prop Action

November 21st, 2008

Strange prop action caught by the iPhone camera. The prop is turning, 400+ horsepower at work, beautiful airplane….the Lear Jet of the 1940’s.



Autumn Leaves

November 8th, 2008


Just Couldn’t Sleep

November 4th, 2008


Tough night, tossing and turning with anticipation of being able to comment on the Current Administration’s performance, ethics and character and on the promise of The Alternative through this historic vote. Lynne and I were numbers 3 and 4 at the polling station very early this morning and to hear the announcement, as you entered the booth, that “Lynne Parry is recording her vote” and “Michael Parry is recording his vote” brought a satisfying shiver down the spine. Democracy at work, in actuality.
Voting provides the opportunity for making the statement that; integrity is essential, ethics count, character matters, visibility and accountability matter, civil liberties matter and the erosion must cease, unlawful and un-winable wars must end with dignity reflecting the sacrifices made…but must end, the country needs to rejoin the international community with less arrogance and bullying to be replaced with humility (from stregnth) and more diplomacy and thereby assume its critical global leadership role, that torture in any form is unacceptable and that working in a collaborative way with all parties can, should and indeed must be the way forward.

This, the second time we’ve voted in a US national ballot, was something we looked forward to and provided immense satisfaction having done it.

Birthday Flight

November 2nd, 2008


Off to York Pennsylvania for a Birthday Lunch. Yummy.

Flight to Virginia’s Luray Caverns

November 1st, 2008

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Fabulous Fall weather made sure our Cirrus flight to Luray Caverns in Virginia was memorable. Fall colours, yellows, orange and gold and the crisp air made for excellent visibility as we flew up the Shenandoah National Park Valley, paralleling the Skyline Drive, and descending to runway 22 of W45 Luray Caverns Airport. An EAA Chapter 240 fly-out brought 6 aircraft and 11 flyers to the caverns. A great trip.

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Mum’s in Town!

October 22nd, 2008


Colin, Denise and mum are amongst us and we’re taking advantage of fabulous weather to go flying, trip-ing, concerts, taking in local foods and delicacies. Breakfast flights to Ocean City New Jersey and to Lancaster Pennsylvania, dinner at Buddakan, a day in Washington DC, Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt concert, Lynne riding, Colin taking an aerobatic flight….. all made for a busy, action-packed but really enjoyable week.

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Lynne and Valentino at Fox Hill

August 28th, 2008


Leaving Philly

July 21st, 2008

Lynne just departed Philly this evening, en-route to see her mum, and a brief vacation/holiday in Southport. I watched her flight depart, right/middle on the display below, USAir734, an Airbus 333 at 12500 feet and climbing at 417 knots, en-route to EGCC-Manchester UK.

Miss you already Lynn-ie!! Hey – take care of her over there!


“Worlds Smallest Tail-Dragger Fly-In”

July 19th, 2008


An aviation friend – Hugh H – hosts a fly-in of tail-dragger airplanes to his Chesapeake Bay-side home in Maryland. I’ve been delighted to have been invited for a few years now. So, with buddy Bill K in the back, flew the 78 miles south in the Citabria 76ML and joined a colourful selection of aviation history (both pilots and their craft) for lunch, good company in this breathtakingly stunning part of this beautiful country. Thanks again Hugh and Marge!

Hugh and ex-airline stewardess Marge host a wonderful event they call “Worlds Smallest”. Small in aircraft count maybe, but huge in everyone’s memories lucky enough to participate.

Tail-draggers – so called ‘cos that’s what they do. The drag their arses around the place on a small tailwheel. They are more challenging to deal with, with great care necessary in take-offs and even more so in landings, and taxi-ing. They are very susceptible to the wind and need constant attention, until safety hangared. The alternate and majority of aircraft wheel configurations are tri-cycle, with the leading wheel at the front of the airframe – easy!

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Nice video from Lucky of his approach and landing here: